every time i would go to my nan's house she always had a bag of dish clothes for me to take home. she gave them to me faster than i could use them, but every time she would ask if i needed some i would take them and hoard them away. (she loved that i did this)
she had shown me a few times how to make my own, but all that work just didn't seem to fit. so i continued to hoard hers. well this fall, one night when i was missing her terribly, i went into my dish cloth drawer and my stash was deminishing rapidly. so i dug out some old supplies from my nan and began to attempt a dish cloth from memory.
well this is what I got

now you all know why i kept a stash.
so my next step was to headed over to a local yarn shop, get some needles and more yarn and continued to attempt more dish clothes this time with a pattern that i had no idea how to read. (luckily i got a quick tutorial)
well that got boring pretty quick, so back i went to the yarn shop and had her show me how to make mittens.
and this is what i go.....(and yes the pictures does them justice)

so another failed attempt, but much better than i expected. have to laugh looking at this first mitten with the dropped stitches, knitting when i should have pearled and pearling when i should have knit. but i made it!
that was the first of november 2010...the beginning of the end.
since then i have made more mittens (i'll be sharing those later), even attempted my first pair of socks for my man for c-mas. (they were a hit)
now to just learn to knit as fast as i can buy.
and for you ladies who know my scrappy purchasing habits....yes i am just as addicted!!!
All the best to everyone in 2011